Love Chapel

School Care Packs ♥️ Help us feed food insecure students over weekends. A group of Bartholomew County residents, passionate about feeding hungry kids, have banded together to match each donation up to $50,000. Please donate now to help Love Chapel continue this critical service!


September Prayer Request

Thank you for joining us in prayer over the ministry of the Love Chapel. Please specifically pray for these needs:

  • We continue to pray for God’s guidance as we progress through the Strategic Planning Process and also for the safety of our volunteers and staff in all of our activities.
  • We especially pray that we may share the joy of Christ’s love with all of our clients, fellow volunteers, staff members and the community in general through everything we do and say.
  • Guidance in hiring the right Housing Manager
  • Worship in the Park on September 29th

Thank you!

Kristi Jones

Worship Committee Chair

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for good.

Food Pantry
(812) 372-9421

292 Center St
Columbus, IN 47201

Open Mon-Sat:
Closed Sun
(812) 344-4512

421 S. Mapleton St.
Columbus, IN 47203

Open Sun-Sat:
(812) 372-9421

311 Center St.
Columbus, IN 47201

Open Mon-Fri:
Closed Sat & Sun
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