When a person needs financial assistance, they should first seek help from family, friends, and their own resources (borrowing, working odd jobs, selling assets, trading, etc). Individuals are strongly discouraged from seeking assistance from churches, as many churches care for the community through the Love Chapel. Persons with money management challenges are encouraged to work with a financial counselor or attend budgeting classes. Financial assistance below is intended to offer one-time or limited-time assistance for specific expenses.
Apprisen Credit Counseling
Budget counseling, low fee debt consolidation
(800) 355-2227
Flatrock/Hawcreek Ministerial Association
Financial assistance for Flatrock & Hawcreek residents
(812) 371-5189
Human Services, Inc.
Energy Assistance Program
(812) 372-8407
Township Trustees - Basic Assistance
The application process requires documentation of income and expenses. Basic assistance includes limited emergency shelter, rent (NOT deposits), utilities, limited transportation, funeral/burial expenses, and occasional personal supplies.
Clay Township - (812) 378-4834
Clifty Township - (812) 546-5587
Columbus Township - (812) 372-8249
Flatrock Township - (812) 344-8896
German Township - (812) 526-5505
Harrison Township - (812) 343-0662
Hawcreek Township - (812) 546-5947
Jackson Township - (812) 342-3212
Ohio Township - (812) 603-2993
Rockcreek Township - (812) 579-5099
Sandcreek Township - (812) 579-2001
Wayne Township - (812) 342-5080