Join us for a Handel's Messiah Sing-Along concert on April 19th, 2025, at the historic North Christian Church. The event is sponsored by Asbury UMC and BCPL. All proceeds go to support Love Chapel.
Thank you for continuing to join us in prayer. The focus for December is:
- God will continue to keep our clients, staff and volunteers safe through the holiday season and that He would provide us guidance on how best we can address the growing needs for space, finances and overall resources in the coming year.
- Pray for our clients – many are under immense stress trying to provide for families and have a little left over for Christmas.
- Pray for a strong finish for the year, both from a financial perspective and meeting needs. The pantry has been busy and Brighter Days has been running consistently in the 40’s!
Thank you for praying with us! Have a Merry Christmas!
Grace & Peace,
Kristi Jones
Worship Committee Chair